Winners of over 50 SWPP Gold Awards
SWPP UK Digital Art Photographer of the Year
Over 50 years of experience
A personal & professional service
All finishing work carried out on the premises
Expert advice on framing your family portraits
Why come to Portraits by Hart?
We are celebrating 64 years in business
Your Treasured Memories Archived For The Future - Digital Conversons
Do you have a collection photographs, photo albums, slides, negatives, transparencies, video tapes, cine film or audio tape recordings? Would you like to be able to share them with your friends, relatives, children and grandchildren? The best way to future proof your collection is to have everything digitized.
We can digitize your photograph, video, cine film & audio tape collections and more.
Your collection of family memories may be unmanageable to share in it's present form. The best way to future proof your collection of memories is to have them converted to a digital format. Photographs should be converted to an image Jpeg format, Videos and Cine Film should be converted to video MP4 files and any audio recordings should be converted to audio MP3 files.
Once you've had your collection digitized, every format including photographs, slides, video tapes, cine film and audio tapes can be stored in one place. As they now take the form of digital computer files, your whole collection is now tidier and easy to manage. Anything can easily be passed on at the click of a button.
Your collection of memories are now stored in the form of computer files and it's easy to see what you have. As your photographs are now digitally stored, you, your relatives and friends can easily order physical copies and albums online.

The world is going fully digital. Ai is advancing into our lives day by day. In order to embrace the future, much of what we have stored in an analogue format today may eventually become unreadable. The equipment required to read analogue formats such as Video Recorders and Camcorders, Audio Reel to Reel and Cassette Tape recorders and so on, will slowly disappear as they become irreparable. Much of this equipment isn't being manufactured any longer, so we have to use and repair what is still available. It's important to get as much of our analogue world converted to a digital format as soon as we can, before it's too late!
We have many customers who are going through or have gone through the digital conversion process. Unless you only have a very small collection of items, it's probably best to do it in stages. Maybe sort out your photographs first, then move onto your video tapes, cine films and audio tapes etc. The order you do it in is totally up to you. Get it sorted a little bit at a time, eventually you will have the peace of mind in knowing your treasured memories have been preserved for future generations and for the digital future.
Please note, we also offer a full and comprehensive photograph restoration service.
If you have photographs, videos tapes, cine films, audio tapes or anything else not mentioned here (if you can't see it, please ask) that you would like converting to a digital format, please get in touch and we can arrange a suitable time to see you.
None of the items mentioned here improve over time, they also degrade a little more each day. Anything recorded on magnetic tape, this includes audio and video will eventually degrade to the point where it's no longer possible to watch it or listen to it. So, the sooner you get them converted the better.
We carry out all of the conversion work ourselves. We never pass anything onto a third party.

If you would like more information please get in touch and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
We now offer a pickup & delivery service for local customers. Please contact us for details.
All photographic & video to digital transfer services we provide are carried out in house by ourselves. We will never pass your treasured negatives, transparencies, video tapes & cine films on to a third party.
Many businesses & High Street chains offering these services do not carry out the work themselves, they forward it on to a third party. We carry out all of the work ourselves. When you hand your items over to us you are very often handing them to the person who will actually carry out carry out the work.